martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009




martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009


I was looking through the Internet somedays ago and I founded an interesting therapy that exists since thounsand years ago. This thousand-year-old therapy joins two elements, such as water and earth like curative methods. The key is on the minerals that the mud and water contains.
A brief introduction in its history says that ancient civilizations that used to live near volcanoes, lagoons or seas used mud-therapy medicanls purposes and even to camouflage themselves.

But the common use of this technique was discovered through the time due to the physical improvements and the relieve of pain. How ever this therapy is also use for skin treatment.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side and the truth.

To begin with, all you have to know about what is the free will and then you'll understand that all the people have the right to choose whatever they want about their beliefs and their way of thinking.

And the relation with the movie would be that the characters, who were palestinians, did what they believed that was better for their nation and also God would be waiting for them in Heaven, because they knew that Him was with them. But the Jews also had their own beliefs with regard to their religion. So, who tells the truth?.

In fact, there was a girl in the movie, who disagree with the way of thinking and the way of acting of the two sides or Countries, because she belonged to a human rights organisation. And there you can see that there are many points of view in relation with the Gaza conflict. And also I have a different opinion with regard to the conflict, but I'm not saying that I support Israel, because I don't believe anything of what it said and says.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

The Easter Islander

There is a theory who talks about the origin of the Easter Islanders and says that the arrived of the Polynesians at about 400 AD. The population of the island reaches it peaks at perhaps more than ten thounsand habs. exceeding the capabilities of the small island's ecosystem. And also the resources became scarce.

Their beliefs included almost ninety gods and spirits, and it divides in two categories of high gods and lesser gods. Among the high gods it is the Creator, the rain god, and the superior god who is Make-make. And the same way ceremonies were held to bring rain and also the annual fest of the bird cult and the feats of the Bird-Man. The past to the puberty is a rite who disapeared long ago.

Their healing was in charge of the priests who used to steaming, massage, a limit pharmacopoeia, and contact with spirits.But nowadays, Easterns Isladers use medical care provided by Chile.

In the past, the basic family was composed of brothers, their wives, and their children. But today the nuclear family is the norm, although other relatives might also be present. In the past and today, the father was the authority figure, although today the wife's father has more power than the husband's father. And the marriage was almost always arranged but now is by free choice. The marriages are marked by three ceremonies such as a civil ceremony, a church ceremony, and a large feast hosted by the groom's father.

The cattle on the island have been the primary sources of meat and also the crop is the most important source of food, like potato. And also the fish provides some protein, although the fishing was never a major subsistence activity. In these days the people continue to farm small plots, although the maize is the major crop.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009