jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

First Opinion Essay

Have you heard about the love in tenderness and to giving a meaning to the things that surround us? Well, in that case I’m going to talk about that kind of things.

The poem talks about the meaning of the things in the love, but the meaning that we gave to them. And besides mixes the lovely words with another kind of words like the nature and the eroticism. And I think that this way to say the things is same romantic than any other like songs or a love letter. But lamentably is too short and it’s a shame due to is so beautiful therefore is ideal to devote to someone who you love.

Is hard to create a poem; a song or a letter due to involve a lot of feelings. And sometimes is very difficult find the way to express yourself . Is for that I believe that this poem is so nice and original. For example the author uses animals that are so different physically but both have a meaning that differentiates them: “the red rose is a falcon” and that express something strong and full of passion. And is easy to see words that we can find in the nature vocabulary like “petal” or “rosebud”, those who play a role of tenderness.

As a summary the only that I can say is that the love has strange and different ways to express to the other people though not always the recipient (or the dear one) understand the message. You can use the nature; the sensations; animals or colors but love is love. It doesn´t matter how do you say it because the only thing that matters is how do you express it.

3 comentarios:

  1. You used alot of new word, and that is good, because it means your English is improving.

    Be carefull with the "comas". Befora the word "and" you have to put a coma; be carefull with that.

  2. thanks for your observation ;)

    I will keep it on mind.

  3. I like the way you started because you catched my attention with the question and it motivaed me to coninue reading. good job.
